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Why does a dove curse?

The pigeon is a beautiful and charming bird that everyone loves and that is why this bird is often kept in houses and in addition to houses it is also present in shrines. It is said that pigeon is the animal for which Noah prayed for peace and security and that is why the dove is accustomed to the human population and the crow is cursed with fear. This is the reason why the crow continues to harass the human population. Unfortunately, today we are going to tell you what it is like to raise pigeons at home and when a pigeon curses. When Noah stopped the ark on Mount Judi, he opened the part of the ark where the birds lived. He said to the well, "Look at the earth, how much water there is on it, or how much the city has sunk." A dead animal was found. He got drunk on it and did not return. This is why an Arab story is famous. So it takes longer than a raven. That is why he sent the pigeon when he was late. He did not see any part of the earth. That is why he came with the address of the olive tree.

Why does a dove curse?

From this, Prophet Noah guessed that there is less water from which the trees have appeared but it is under water. He stayed for a few days and then sent the same dove, then his feet slipped in the mud of the earth and came back. He said that now the water has been absorbed in the earth but the earth has not dried up. Noah was very happy about this action of the dove and put a green shackle around his neck. Today the same shackle informs about this happiness of the dove Praying for peace and security for the pigeon is the reason why the pigeon is accustomed to the human population and the crow's fear of the crow is the reason why the crow is harassing the human population that is why people still consider it ominous (Tafsir Ruhul Bayan A: This was the story of a dove. Such a dove obeyed Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) and brought news for him. According to the jurists, it is permissible to keep and raise amateur birds in their homes, provided that their food and cold heat and Rain protection should be provided. And when the family goes out somewhere, they should take proper care of their food and care. The younger brother of Syedna Anas had kept a bird and when the Messenger of Allah (saw) came to him, he would say to him: O Abu Umayr bird! (Bukhari H 6129) This hadith proves that he did not forbid the keeping of birds. If it was forbidden to raise birds in the house, then he would have forbidden the brother of Anas to do so. Based on the same narration. It is said that it is permissible to raise birds at home.

Why does a dove curse?

But as mentioned earlier, in order to raise them, it is necessary to meet all the needs of the birds so that the birds do not suffer any kind of harm. It is to be noted that it is forbidden to harass birds, as mentioned in a hadith narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood in Abu Dawud, in which the pigeon was hovering over the blessed head of the Messenger of Allah and was complaining in his own language. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) announced to the Sahaabah that someone had picked up eggs from his nest, and when one of the Sahaabah agreed to pick up the eggs, he was ordered to put the eggs back in the nest. And the persecution of birds is forbidden because of the possibility of cursing the birds, and since the pigeon is one of the birds that has been a favorite of the prophets, if the pigeon is persecuted, the pigeon can also be cursed. That is why pigeons should be avoided.

Why does a dove curse?

With reference to the pigeon, it tells you what the Islamic teachings say about it. It is said in the hadiths that the domestic pigeon misses God very much, loves the Ahlul Bayt and prays to the householder that God bless you When he complained of loneliness to the Messenger of Allah, he said, "Take a pair of pigeons." Jafar said, "The dove is one of the birds of the Prophets. Keep the dove in the house, because Noah liked it and prayed." No bird is loved as much as a pigeon. You said that the house in which there are pigeons will be safe from the calamities of the jinn because the children of the jinn play in the house where the pigeons are. In the same way, according to another tradition, the fall of a dove on its wings causes the demons to hate and flee. From these narrations it is known that keeping pigeons in the house is a blessing and as you have asked the Companions to keep pigeons in the house, it is clear from this.

Why does a dove curse?

That is good for raising pigeons. It is associated with raising pigeons. Remember that some people keep pigeons with passion, their hobby is to the extent of raising pigeons, but some people raise pigeons with the intention of pigeon-flying And it is a waste of money. Remember that raising pigeons is an expensive and laborious hobby. Compared to pigeon flying, if they are in extreme heat, but their preparation continues throughout the year. These pigeons are specially trained and these competitions are held at the provincial and national level. Interested people spend most of their time in these cats by setting up cages in different places in the population. If the jurists are asked, they will not correct it, because it is a waste of time and money, which is a waste of money, so we should try to avoid such things.

Why does a dove curse?


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