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Forty Principles of the Messenger of Allah

I had read forty best principles of the best life in an English medical book years ago. I copied those pages and kept them for myself. I used to take out these pages from time to time and read them. I also tried to follow these principles.  I used to study commentaries and hadiths ten years ago and found out that these forty principles were not developed by any medical institution in the world or any self-help institute in Europe and America. These are the essence of 'These are taken from Sira al-Bani'.

Forty Principles of the Messenger of Allah
Forty Principles of the Messenger of Allah

His Companions were a moving picture of these forty best principles of the best life. Although I have not been able to fully implement them yet, but I am sure that Allah Almighty  It will definitely increase my success. And one day I will be able to follow these principles laid down by you. What are these forty principles? You can see those principles and the modern scientific attention of these principles.  If there is any mistake in the interpretation, I will be forgiven. He will also pray for me. If we fall asleep at that time, we lose this oxygen and  In this way we get heavier in nature. We gradually become irritable and bored. My experience is that if these three times  When I walk, we feel good.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Do not sit with foul-smelling and filthy people. This commandment is also full of wisdom.  If he starts to sit down, he will become depressed in twenty days. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) may have commanded us to avoid stinking people.  He said, "Do not sleep among those who say bad things before going to bed."  This interpretation is also in accordance with wisdom. 

If we sleep badly, we will have nightmares and our nightmares will become the mood of the day to come. We spend the day according to the mood set by the dreams, so our last party before going to sleep should be good.  The next day will be better. This statement is also very scientific. When we" feed "our body with our right hand, our  Positive thinking is strong.

You will always find them complaining, backbiting and harming others.  He said, "Don't take food out of your mouth and eat it."  When food enters the stomach, the gastrointestinal glands kill these germs, so they are eliminated.  The number of germs reaches trillions. These germs are even stronger than the gastrointestinal glands.

When we put the morsel in our mouth again, it reaches the stomach and becomes poison and this poison destroys our entire digestive system. You will never find a healthy person in your life who  Get in the habit of eating by taking a bite out of your mouth. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  Science says that those of us who keep removing our fingernails, their joints begin to open and they soon become victims of arthritis. They also complain of joint pain.

Forty Principles of the Messenger of Allah
Forty Principles of the Messenger of Allah

There is an expanse in the sky. This expanse always attracts our attention. Every time we look at the sky, our attention is diverted."  It takes time.

Prayer requires oneness. When you look at the sky, its continuity is broken. It can't complete its work. Maybe that's why most of the world's creative work is done in closed rooms."  Whether it was Beethoven's Symphony, Da Vinci's Last Super, or Tolstoy's War and Peace.

If you want to come up with an idea of ​​creation, you walk in the open air under the open sky. You will be overwhelmed with ideas, but if you want to work on these ideas, then you will be locked in a room.  You will also find prophets, saints and religious leaders meditating in closed caves. 


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